I know that my posting has been pretty sporadic and crappy for...erm...ever, but i'm going to take an official break from blogging for a while.
In a month (to the day, actually...) i will be starting my art foundation course at university. this scares the living shit out of me. everything will change.
Holiday, instead of soothing my nerves, has made me even more unsure about everything than usual.
When I get my holiday snaps developed I will probably post them, but for the moment I'd rather keep my mug off of here. i'm not being stalked, or wanted by the police, honest!
I hope i won't compleltly lose everyone from reading my blog! and, my self inforced ban will probably allow me to read other people's blogs, and actually comment, without feeling like a bad person for being fat, ugly and unfashionable!
i hope everyone's having a wonderful summer, and anyone who got A Level results yesterday I HOPE YOU DID WELL!!
let the manic, terrifying preparations commence...